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Bliss & Bless

USDA Organic Pumpkin Plus Fiber Support Powder 227g

USDA Organic Pumpkin Plus Fiber Support Powder 227g

Regular price HK$428.00
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Pumpkin Plus is created with eight organic ingredients derived from natural high-fiber sources, including pumpkin seed, coconut fiber, apple fiber and ginger, all designed to keep your pet’s digestive system in tip-top shape. In addition to providing ample fiber for regularity, it can help alleviate upset stomachs and anal gland issues. It combines some of nature’s best fiber sources into a convenient and easy-to-use powder for your pet. Just put it on their food, or purée, bake or freeze into their next treat to set their tails wagging.

- Perfect for acute or chronic digestive problems, diarrhea or constipation, sensitive stomachs, anal gland issues, travel or unfamiliar environments and weight management
- Pumpkin & Pumpkin Seed: high in fiber, vitamin A and antioxidants, and can help regulate pets with both constipation and diarrhea
- Ginger: encourages efficient digestion, soothes upset stomachs, reduces nausea, improves absorption of key nutrients and supports gastrointestinal health
- Coconut Fiber: rich in insoluble fiber and improves stool regularity
- Flax Seed: contains omega-3 fatty acids to help support heart and gut health
- Formulated with both soluble and insoluble fibers for maximum benefits
- Made in USA

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