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Bliss & Bless

Organic Herbal Pet Deodorant Spray for Dogs & Cats 500ml

Organic Herbal Pet Deodorant Spray for Dogs & Cats 500ml

Regular price HK$198.00
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Why does the house with pets always stink?

To deodorize, we have to first understandwhy it stinks.

When pets’ urine, feces, saliva reactchemically with bacteria in the environment, ‘ Odor Molecules’ will begenerated, including alcohols, amines, lipids, sulfur, and disulfide compounds,resulting in stench.


Double effect deodorization by patentedingredients

HOPET™ uses a variety of organic patentedingredients, decompose Odor-factors (sulfurs, amines, alcohols, lipids,disulfides, etc.) rapidly, at the same time, inhibit the growth of bacteria toachieve long-term deodorization.

  • DeoBioPlantTM

Obtained the safety certification from EU,can decompose pet odor, and deodorize physically.

  • DeoPlexTM

Certified natural and organic by USDA, andpassed the safety tests of US and EU, it can inhibit the odor of animalmetabolites

  • Persimmon Tannin

Extracted from natural Japanese persimmons,can decompose odor, inhibit bacteria and resist oxidation


Different situations, always high efficient

HOPET™ Deodorant Spray is also safe andreliable, it can:

  • Quickly deodorize odorous surfaces
  • Prevent odors on clean / new surfaces


Why Doesn't HOPET™ deodorize by coveringthe smell or using chemical fragrances?

We know that the sense of smell of pets canbe more than 100,000 times that of humans.

So HOPETTM uses a ‘natural and lightfragrance formula’, and deodorize by decomposing odor molecules, which will notbother pets and comfort the whole family.


Wide range of uses, fresh everywhere

HOPET™ deodorant spray is not harmful toall texture of furniture and car litter, non-toxic to lick, suitable for everycorner of the whole family, include:

  • Wall and corners
  • Pet urine tray and Cat litter
  • Bed and Mattress
  • Floors and Carpets
  • Sofa with different texture
  • Pet toys
  • Car interior space
  • Toilet and Bathroom


International Certification to achieve thesafest and best quality

For the peace of mind of pets’ owners andthe health of pets, most of the ingredients of HOPETTM products pass safety andorganic tests from QCS, USDA and ECOCERT.

Produced with ISO 9001:2005 and ISO 22716standards, all HOPETTM products are also inspected by series of SGS tests toensure safety and quality.

Less is Better: No silicone. No HCHO. Noheavy metals. No hormones. No fluorescent bleach. No toxic chloride.


Natural and Environmentally friendly

HOPET™ loves pets and also the Earth. Sofrom the very beginning, we pay attention to whether the ingredients arecompletely environmentally friendly and pollution-free.


Sprays without greenhouse gases

No phosphate added, ocean friendly.

Naturally decomposed ingredients, no toxicresidues

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